99%+ Accurate Coding, Generated In Real-Time
Not only are codes generated as you document in Etch, they are nearly 100% accurate, ensuring you stay compliant while capturing previously missed reimbursement.
Instant Coding for Same-Day Claim Submission
Our patented code engine generates codes as you document, eliminating manual coding and enabling same-day claim submission.

Achieve Faster & Compliant Claim Submission With Unified Documentation & Coding View
No more going back and forth between systems to compare documentation and codes. Etch shows you exactly what codes were generated by what documentation. Plus, any opportunity or potential risk will be flagged so you know what steps need to happen next.

Easier PCI & VIRTEX Registry Submissions
Reduce your effort for submitting cases to PCI and VIRTEX registries. Etch populates the intra-procedural portions of the registry submissions for you.